Years of experience at your service. Envol can bring your product to the eyes and ears of decision makers in global markets and ensure preference. Market-specific, key account strategies will ensure every interaction counts and that you’re chasing customers that are looking for your destination, product or tourism service.

“Trade and distribution are fast-changing environments, it’s not about who you know but rather how quickly you can establish yourself in a market. With Envol, you can skip the learning curve and get maximum impact right away”.

  • Education – Front line training as well call it. It’s about getting agents excited about you and your products – understanding what makes you unique and building their confidence to recommend you to their clients.
  • Familiarisation Trips – Famils as we call them.  Not a junket or a holiday – famils play a strategic role in positioning your product, your destination or service. They are a unique opportunity to get first-hand feedback from the people that will sell them.
  • Trade events – Envol Tourism participates in offshore trade events engaging with key agents, product managers and tourism partners across the globe every year.
  • Newsletters and Webinars – A digital connection is more important than ever. Envol has an annual program of newsletters targeting product manager and travel agents across  four continents. This ensures you’re top of mind with travel trade and decision makers. Envol also hosts webinars throughout the year – the short and sharp events are high energy and they’re intended on getting your travel audience engaged and enthusiastic about what you offer.